
机械工程出国留学|2016年01月21日 10:34
香港科技大学机械及航空航天工程系在新兴领域上提供一系列既创新又实用的学课。其中包括高等/智慧型材料,微电子封装,CAD/CAM, MEMS, 机电一体化, 高等制造技术。
  由于香港经济主要结构改变,其工业行业经历了巨大的变化。在过去十年,为了回应因巨大变化下产生的转变而增加的人力资源需求,香港科技大学机械及航空航天工程系在新兴领域上提供一系列既创新又实用的学课。其中包括高等/智慧型材料,微电子封装,CAD/CAM, MEMS, 机电一体化, 高等制造技术。这些学课均由行内领导专家预备及教授。除了本地大学相关工程学系的毕业生,海外大学(包括中国大陆) 相关工程学系的毕业生也意识到有提升学历的需要。一个机械工程学的高等学位不仅满足本地强大需求,更可有持续发展。制造和电子工业在珠江三角洲各行业蓬勃发展,香港作为行政管理、市场营销、后勤及技术支援的总部,为研究生水平的高等机械工程学提供了一个相当庞大的市场。

  MESF 5010 固体力学基础
  MESF 5040 纳米薄膜和纳米材料
  MESF 5050 高分子材料的断裂行为
  MESF 5410 高等材料力学行为
  MESF 5430 材料的热力学与动力学
  MESF 5480 Polymer Nanocomposites
  MESF 5920 微电子封装基础
  学员也可选修MESF 6910机械工程研究专题课或MESF 6950机械工程研究专题课(内容必须与材料技术有密切关系)以满足毕业要求。

  1、 2015年春季
  1) MESF 5550
  2) MESF 5920
  3) MESF 6910E
  4) MESF 6910F
  5) MESF 6910G

  2、 2015年秋季
  1) MESF 5010
  2) MESF 5050
  3) MESF 5210
  4) MESF 5560
  5) MESF 6910H

  1、MESF 5010 固体力学基础 [三个学分]
  [Previous Course Code(s): MESF 501] Continuum concept for deformation of solids; analysis of stress and strain; constitutive equations; solution of problems relevant to materials processing, fracture mechanics and structural analysis; energy methods and numerical solutions. Exclusion(s): MECH 5010, Background: MECH 3010, MECH 3020, MECH 4030 (prior to 2012-13)

  2、MESF 5040 纳米薄膜和纳米材料 [三个学分]
  [Previous Course Code(s): MESF 504] Basic knowledge of materials science and mechanics of micro- and nano-scale thin films with an emphasis on the mechanical properties of thin films and failure mechanisms in electronic devices. Exclusion(s): MATL 560 (prior to 2008-09), MECH 5040, NANO 5600

  3、MESF 5050 高分子材料的断裂行为 [三个学分]
  [Previous Course Code(s): MESF 505] Introduction to both fundamental and practical knowledge on the microstructure, physical and mechanical behaviors, particularly the fracture behavior and toughening mechanisms, of polymers and composites. Discussions and critiques on related research activities in the literature. Case studies to help students prepare for the industry. Exclusion(s): MECH 5050, Background: MECH 3420

  4、MESF 5210 流体动力学 [三个学分]
  [Previous Course Code(s): MESF 521] Basic concepts of fluid flows, derivation of governing equations, viscous flow, potential flow, boundary layer, flow instability, transition to turbulence, turbulent boundary layer. Exclusion(s): MECH 5210, Background: MECH 3210

  5、MESF 5410 高等材料力学行为 [三个学分]
  [Previous Course Code(s): MESF 541] Relationships between microstructure and mechanical behavior in crystalline materials; temperature-dependent deformation in elasticity, viscosity and creep; embrittlement, fatigue and fracture of engineering materials; strengthening mechanisms in crystalline materials. Exclusion(s): MECH 5410, Background: MECH 3420

  6、MESF 5430 材料的热力学与动力学 [三个学分]
  [Previous Course Code(s): MESF 543] An advanced treatment of the thermodynamics, kinetics and transport properties in solids, solutions, surfaces, and heterogeneous reactions. Exclusion(s): MATL 520 (prior to 2008-09), MECH 5430

  7、MESF 5480 Polymer Nanocomposites [三个学分]
  This course is designed to provide fundamental understanding of emerging polymer nanocomposite materials science and technology. The topical areas to discuss include introduction to nanomaterials; fundamentals of polymer composites, their mechanics and applications; fillers for nanocomposites, such as nanoparticles, nanowires, nanotubes, graphite and graphene; dispersion of nanofillers and fabrication of polymer nanocomposites; characterization of nanofillers and nanocomposites; interfacial adhesion, and mechanical and functional properties of nanocomposites; design and applications of nanocomposites. Exclusion(s): MECH 5480, NANO 5500

  8、MESF 5520 计算机辅助工程系统 [三个学分]
  [Previous Course Code(s): MESF 552] Computer graphics, data structures, geometric modeling, NC cutting path planning, process planning, mesh generation techniques for analysis, computer integrated manufacturing, intelligent CAD systems. Exclusion(s): MECH 5520

  9、MESF 5550 机器人 [三个学分]
  [Previous Course Code(s): MESF 555, MESF 691A] Introduce the basic concepts related to industrial robots. Course will cover the following contents: rigid body motion, forward and inverse kinematics, manipulator jacobians, force relation, dynamics and position control robot manipulators, force control and trajectory generation, collision avoidance and motion planning, robot programming languages. Exclusion(s): MECH 4710

  10、MESF 5560 精密制造技术 [三个学分]
  [Previous Course Code(s): MESF 556, MESF 691B] Principles of precision engineering; mathematical definitions and theoretical studies of 2D precision assemblies; micro- and nano- positioning for precision machining; nanometrology, data processing for precision measurement; dynamic control for precision machining of engineering materials, applications and industrial practices. Exclusion(s): MECH 5540, Background: BEng in Mech.Engg

  11、MESF 5570 精密加工
  [Previous Course Code(s): MESF 557, MESF 691C] Basic concepts of precision machining; tribosystems of abrasive machining processes; kinematic models; contact mechanics; force, friction, and energy; thermal design; molecular dynamics; tribochemistry of abrasive machining; abrasive tools and conditioning; methods and systems of fixed and free abrasive technology for micro- and nano- precision machining and fabrication applications; advanced applications of abrasive technology such as free form machining and micro fabrication. Exclusion(s): MECH 5550

  12、MESF 5920 微电子封装基础 [三个学分]
  [Previous Course Code(s): MESF 592] State-of-the-art in IC technology, fundamental package architecture, types of package; packaging materials and processing technologies; functions, geometry, materials and structure of substrates and PCBs; interconnection technologies; reliability testing and failure mechanisms of package components; characterization, measurement and failure analysis; future trends. Exclusion(s): MASE 502 (prior to 2011-12), MECH 5920

  13、MESF 5930 有限单元法 [三个学分]
  [Previous Course Code(s): MESF 593] Finite element formulation; variational principles for structural and continuum mechanics; numerical interpolation and integration; plane stress and plane strain analysis; plate bending and three dimensional solids; solution of large systems of algebraic equations. Exclusion(s): CIVL 5390, MECH 5930Background: MECH 3020, MECH 4030 (prior to 2012-13)

  14、MESF 6910 机械工程研究专题课 [三个学分]
  [Previous Course Code(s): MESF 691] Selected topics in mechanical engineering of current interest to the Department in emerging areas and not covered by existing courses.Selected topics such as:
  1) MESF6910E Application of FEA to the Design of Mechanical Systems [3 credits]
  Basic design concept; finite element analysis of static and dynamic structural response and heat transfer; sensitivity analysis and simple optimization techniques.
  2) MESF6910F Intermediate Heat and Mass Transfer [3 credits]
  The scope of this course is intended to establish the conservation laws of heat and mass transfer, with the aims to provide the required knowledge for industrial applications. The topics in a sequential sense covers: Concepts of continuum in multi-scale thermal and mass flow systems; Definitions of thermodynamics properties; Conservation equations of fluid flow and heat and mass transfer; Dimensional analyses; Heat conduction and mass diffusion; Convective heat and mass transfer; Computational heat and mass transfer; Special topics and industrial applications.
  3) MESF 6910G Structural Dynamics [3 credits]
  Review of vibration theory. The algebraic eigenvalue problem. Eigenproblems for continuous systems. Dynamics of strings, beams, and plates. Finite element techniques: mass and stiffness matrices. Forced harmonic response. Modal analysis. Direct integration algorithms. Eigenvalue extraction algorithms for large scale eigenproblems.
  4) MESF 6910H Composites and Nanocomposites [3 credits]
  This course is designed to provide fundamental understanding of fiber-reinforced composites (FRPs) and emerging nanocomposites technologies. The topics include constituent materials, microstructure-property relationships, fabrication and processing techniques, fundamental mechanics of stress transfer, lamination theory and failure mechanisms and fracture of FRPs in the first part. The topics in the second part include synthesis of nanoscale reinforcements, fabrication and processing techniques of nanocomposites; dispersion and functionalization of nanoreinforcements; interfacial adhesion; mechanical and functional properties of nanocomposites, and their design and applications.
  5) Advanced Experimental Methods in Mechanical Engineering
  The course aims to impart knowledge and understanding of the principles and practice of a variety of advanced experimental techniques with particular emphasis on the application of the methodologies to the measurement and monitoring of heat and fluid flow phenomena. It will explore fundamental and practical aspects of experimentation in the thermal-fluid sciences and microfluidics. Topics will include the design of experiments, uncertainty analysis, and signal processing, optics, lasers, image acquisition and processing, light scattering, holographic measurements, laser/phase Doppler Velocimetry, flow visualization, particle image velocimetry and hot-wire anemometry. Measurement quantities may include fluid flow velocity fields, temperature, pressure, density, viscosity, species concentration, as well as disperse-phase information in two-phase flows. Applications of the techniques in microfluidics, personalized ventilations, and combustion diagnostics will be introduced.
  6) Biomedical Materials
  This course is for study of engineering materials in medical applications. The course emphasizes special metals, ceramics and polymers used in medicine. Concepts of biocompatibility and bioactivity of materials are introduced. Also, principles of tissue engineering are discussed.
  7) Coating and Thick Film
  This course is a survey course on coating and thick films with emphasis on applications in electronics. Application methods and resulting material structures and interfaces are reviewed with focus on composite polymeric coatings and thick films. Correlations amongst processing, properties, material structure are reviewed with respect to current theories and hypotheses. The course will draw major portion of the course content from current literature and shall have a strong exploratory and dynamic flavor.
  8) Fuel Cell Science and Technology
  This course is intended to make an introduction to the fundamental principles of electrochemistry applied to fuel cells, including an introduction to the thermodynamics and kinetics of electrode processes and mass transfer in electrochemical systems. The various types of fuel cell technologies are discussed, but a vast majority of emphasis is placed on the polymer electrolyte fuel cell systems including the direct methanol fuel cell technology. A survey of cutting-edge issues in fuel cell technology including the future direction of fuel cell technology will also be presented. Issues of specific interest to mechanical engineers, including water management and heat and mass transfer will be dealt with in greater depth.

  15、MESF 6950 独立课题(3或6学分)
  [Previous Course Code(s): MESF 695] An independent research project on Mechanical Engineering carried out under the supervision of a faculty member. May be graded PP.

  1) 申请者必须持有获得认可的大学学士学位或具有同等学历资格,涉及的学科可以是机械工程、制造工程、材料科学与工程、工程管理、电机与电子工程、土木工程、环境工程或适当的相关学科。
  2) 英语要求:
  a) 托福考试(TOEFL):笔试(PBT)分数≥550,网络考试(IBT)分数≥80;
  b) 雅思考试(IELTS):总分数≥6.0,所有测试项目的分数≥5.5。





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